How To Make Rick Simpson Oil At Home

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If you’ve done some research about cannabis and healing cannabis oils, you’ve probably come across Rick Simpson.

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), has become famous in the medical community for being able to successfully cure cancer using THC in this specially-formulated oil.

Way back in the 1990’s Simpson was working as a janitor in a Canadian hospital. His occupation exposed him to toxic chemicals such as asbestos in the hospital pipes and he also had to work with a strong aerosol glue. Due to poor ventilation in that mid-evil hospital boiler room where he worked, Simpson inhaled daily toxic fumes. Eventually the occupational hazard caused him to suffer from a nervous system shock, which led to his collapse at work where he fell off a ladder and became unconscious.

Ever since, Simpson began growing his own cannabis to make the RSO extracts. Because his doctors refused to acknowledge cannabis as medicine, Simpson faced arrest. So he quickly moved to Croatia but still continues to share his knowledge about cannabis oil and its effect on cancer.

Rick Simpson posted the recipe on his site, which we’ve summarized for you so that you can create your own RSO. Make your own at home with his recipe.

Rick Simpson Oil Recipe

The RSO is unique because unlike other cannabis oils that are focused on its CBD content, this oil uses a high THC indica strain (at least 20% THC). You’ll need to start with an ounce of dried herb trim which can produce up to 4 grams of the oil although the yield per ounce will depend on the strain. Keep in mind that you should also be careful when producing your own RSO due to the extremely flammable solvents. Don’t use hot heating elements and stove tops; use a fan to help blow the fumes away and do the work in a well-ventilated area the entire time.


Put all the dried herb (decarboxilated trim) in a plastic bucket.

Using the solvent (200 proof isopropil alcohol – AKA IPA98 from sigma – is best), dampen the bud and crush it using a piece of clean, untreated 2×2 hardwood dowling rod is best. Once the bud has been crushed, continue adding more solvent until the herb is completely immersed. Use the wood to continue working and mixing around the trim.

Slowly pour the solvent oil mix into another clean container so that the starting material remains in the original container, enabling you to wash it for the second time.

For the second washing, add fresh solvent until it’s also immersed, continuing to mix with the dowling rod for around 10 minutes.

Pour the solvent oil mix from the second wash into the bucket holding the solvent oil from the first wash. Oils from the first wash are the most medicinally potent, but the second wash will also produce a powerful medicinal oil especially if you use top-shelf cannabis material.

By now you can get rid of the twice washed herb by pouring it into a double coffee filter to press off the remaining herb, then pour the solvent oil mix into a clean container using a single coffee filter for a final total batch clean.

Boil the solvent; the most effective way to do so is by using a rice cooker. AVOID stove-top cooking, open flames, and other red hot elements because the fumes are extremely flammable. No lighting up in the work area while the alcohol is evaporating.

Pour your solution into the rice cooker until it’s around ¾ full, then gradually put it on high heat. Remember the ventilation is important at this point.

Once your solution has started heating, add around 10 drops of water for each pound of dry material. The water will help release any solvent residue while protecting the oil from excessive heat.

When the rice cooker only has around 1 inch of solvent mixture left, put some oven mitts on and carefully pick up the unit to gently swirl the contents until the solvent is completely boiled off. Make sure that the fan is still blowing off fumes, which can also help to speed up the process. But don’t overcook your oil.

After the solvent has been boiled off completely, put the rice cooker on low heat; never allow the oil to go over 290˚F otherwise the cannabinoids will be vaporized, together with all the healing benefits of the plant.

With your mitts on, remove the inner pot with the oil from the rice cooker and pour it into your plastic syringe or any other container to dispense the rest of the oil.

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