You can buy cannabis tinctures from legal cannabis stores, of course, but home-made is way cheaper than store-bought tinctures, and cannabis tinctures are very easy to make.
Below are four easy ways to making your very own cannabis tincture.
Green Dragon Cannabis Tincture (Traditional Method)
Green Dragon is probably the most popular kind of cannabis tincture, and it is incredibly easy to make.
What You Need:
- 1/8 ounce cannabis flower, ground to a very fine consistency.
- 2 ounces high-proof alcohol. (Everclear is the most preferred alcohol).
- Shallow pan (cookie sheet).
- Jar or any opaque glass container.
- Strainer (coffee filter or cheesecloth).
- Decarboxylate the cannabis flower to activate the cannabinoids. Do this by spreading the ground-up cannabis flower on a cookie sheet and then baking it for about 110 minutes at 230-*F. The heat from the oven will activate the cannabinoids so you get their full benefits.
- Once done, remove from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
- Pour the cannabis flower into your jar and add the alcohol.
- Tightly close the jar and shake it to mix the alcohol and cannabis flower better.
- Keep the jar in a cool and dark place for about a month, shaking the jar at least a couple of times each day to mix the ingredients well.
- After about a month, strain out all the cannabis flower using your coffee filter or cheesecloth. The remaining liquid is now your Green Dragon cannabis tincture.
Green Dragon Cannabis Tincture (Mr Fuji’s Method)
Another method of making the Green Dragon marijuana tincture is Mr Fuji’s method. Unlike the traditional way where you have to wait for a few weeks before you can start to use the tincture, this method is just as easy, but you can start using it as soon as you’re done making it.
What You Need:
- 1/8 ounce cannabis flower.
- 2 ounces 151-proof (or higher) alcohol. (Everclear is the most preferred alcohol).
- Shallow pan (cookie sheet).
- Jar or any opaque glass container.
- Strainer (coffee filter or cheesecloth).
- Finely grind the cannabis flowers. You can also use a coffee grinder to grind your cannabis flower.
- In a cookie sheet, spread out your finely-ground cannabis flower and bake it for about 5 minutes at 325-degrees Fahrenheit.
- Once done, remove the cookie sheet the oven, transfer the cannabis flowers into a jar, and then add in your rum. Don’t cover the jar though.
- In a wide pan, add about an inch of water and bring it to a low, gentle simmer.
- Place the jar (without a cover) of your cannabis flower-alcohol mixture inside the hot water bath and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Do take care though that the temperature stays at 170-degrees Fahrenheit, so use a quick-read thermometer to check. See to it that the alcohol is just barely boiling.
- Strain the mixture using a cheesecloth or coffee filter. You will be left with about an ounce of Green Dragon cannabis tincture.
Cannabis Tincture Using Vodka or Rum
The steps needed to make this cannabis tincture are the same as that of the Green Dragon Traditional method. The only difference is that, instead of pure alcohol, you’re going to use spirits, either vodka or rum.
What You Need:
- 1/8 ounce cannabis flower.
- 2 ounces high-proof spirit (vodka or rum, as long as it’s at least 50 proof or more).
- Shallow pan (cookie sheet).
- Jar or any opaque glass container.
- Strainer (coffee filter or cheesecloth).
- Activate the cannabinoids by decarboxylating your cannabis flower. In a shallow pan, spread out the finely-ground cannabis flower and bake it for about 110 minutes, with the temperature set at 230-degrees Fahrenheit.
- After about two hours, remove the pan from the heat and allow the cannabis flower to cool down to room temperature.
- Place your cannabis flower into your jar and then add your vodka or rum.
- Close the jar tightly and then shake it so the cannabis flower and liquor mix well.
- Store your jar in a cool and dark place for about a month, making sure to shake the jar at least a two times a day so the ingredients mix well.
- Using a coffee filter or a clean cheesecloth, strain out all the solids. What you have left is your cannabis tincture.
Cannabis Tincture Using Vegetable Glycerin
You can also make cannabis tinctures using vegetable glycerin. It’s just as easy to make, but the end product is a bit gentler though and less potent compared to the first three methods that used alcohol or liquor.
What You Need:
- 1/8 ounce cannabis flower
- Vegetable glycerin, preferably organic.
- Shallow pan (cookie sheet).
- Jar or any opaque glass container.
- Strainer (coffee filter or cheesecloth).
- Finely grind your cannabis flower and pour it into your jar.
- Add in the organic vegetable glycerin till it completely covers the finely-ground cannabis flowers and then tightly cover the jar.
- Shake the jar very well to mix the two.
- Store the jar in a cool and dark place for about 60 days, making sure to shake the jar at least once a day.
- After 60 days, give the jar a good shake before opening it.
- Place the uncovered jar in a shallow pan and place them inside the preheated oven (preferably below 170-degrees Fahrenheit or lower).
- Bake for about half an hour to 45 minutes to decarboxylate the cannabis and activate the cannabinoids.
- After baking, take it out of the oven and let it cool to room temperature.
- Once cool, strain the solids out using your cheesecloth or coffee filter. The remaining liquid is your cannabis tincture.
How to Use Your Marijuana Tincture
Your cannabis tincture can be used in several ways – under your tongue, applied topically on your skin, or even used in your cooking. Add a drop into your recipe, and you now have a cannabis-infused meal.
Please note though: it’s quite tricky to measure the potency of your cannabis tincture, which is why it’s going to be a bit of a trial-and-error method till you get your right dosage. To avoid overdosing, you can start with small doses and then slowly titrate up if you don’t feel any effects. However, do wait for a few hours before you increase your dose since it’s going to take some time before the effects kick in.
If you want a more accurate way of checking your cannabis tincture’s potency, you can also purchase a home infusion potency tester. This measures how potent your cannabis tincture or oil is based on its botanical compound by volume or CBV. As well as this, you can buy home tests for cannabinoids, although they may not always provide the most precise results.
How to Properly Store Your Weed Tincture
The best way to store your cannabis tincture is to keep it in a cold and dark place. Make sure that your container is tightly sealed and that it’s not receiving any direct sunlight. Oxygen and direct sunlight can quickly degrade the cannabinoids and make them lose their potency, which is why it’s best to store your cannabis tincture in an opaque jar.
A tightly-sealed, properly-stored cannabis tincture can last indefinitely since the alcohol or liquor acts as a preservative.
Cannabis tincture is a great way to administer your daily dose of cannabis. It’s easy, discreet, and can be lots of fun especially if you add it into your cooking.