Maui Wowie Feminized Hybrid Seeds


Maui Wowie is the perfect item on your list for your morning wake and bake. It leaves you feeling happy and energetic with a mild euphoric sensation from its light yet potent effects.

Maui Wowie is a cannabis strain known for its fragrance and boost of happiness and vibrant energy. A strain from the Hawaiian Islands tropical shores, it’s widely used as a stress reliever.

Plant type 20% Indica 80% Sativa
THC Up to 20%
CBD < 1% CBD
Difficulty Easy
Climate Indoors and sunny climate
Plant size Tall – 3 feet indoors – can reach 8 feet outdoors
Flowers 8 weeks
Yields 14 to 17 oz per 3x3ft
Taste & Smell Pineapple & Fresh Squeeze Lime with Cinnamon
Effects Energetic Happiness
Uses Depression | Fatigue | Lack of appetite | Pain | Stress

This cannabis strain delivers an exotic-fruity aroma. Originally from Maui, this strain was created in the Pacific, volcanic ocean-grown climate. Maui brings a pleasurable sweetness of pineapple with hints of fresh limes and sprinkled with cinnamon to your palette. It was developed in the spirit of the free days of the 60s and 70s, making it one legendary, powerful strain.

Growing Maui Wowie generally requires environmental conditions similar to that of the great Hawaiian Island. However, with some tweaks and maintenance, these cannabis plants can thrive indoors as well. It contains 20% indica and 80% sativa. And, it’s quite powerful with an average THC content of 20%.

Originally from the Hawaiian Island of Maui, Maui Wowie was developed from Hawaiian sativa and is the result of the development and work of local Hawaiian hippies of the 1960’s and 70’s. The strain has since enjoyed a strong following, largely due to the unusually motivating effects it provides.

Growing Maui Wowie from Seeds

Maui Wowie is easy to grow, which means that beginners can even experience success when growing this sativa with just a little work.

Feminized Seeds

These are feminized seeds. Female plants, contrary to male plants, are the ones that actually produce weed. They start flowering when they receive less light per day, i.e. in the Fall or when you manipulate the light cycle indoors.

Best Climate For Maui Wowie

This strain prefers to be grown in a tropical climate that is similar to that of the Hawaiian Islands and will thrive under the sun. With the help of rich, volcanic soil, and the feel of the Pacific. This tall, leggy strain loves bright light and rich, nutritious soil. A warm climate is best for this strain, so growing during the hotter months of summer is best. However, when growing inside, keeping a steady Pacific-like feel in the grow room can offer the best yield.

Feeding Your Plants

Be sure to get the correct NPK nutrients so you maximize the results fo your yield.

This sturdy, bushy cannabis plant is quite resistant to diseases, molds, and pests that commonly affect growing marijuana. But if you dissolve a 81mg aspirin tablet in a 2 liter bottle of water and use an atomizer spray nozzel to provide a foliar feed every 2 weeks, your plants will be more prepared for nature’s circumstances.

Maui Wowie is highly resistant to pests and diseases, which makes it a hearty selection for those that don’t want to use pesticides. However, it is suggested that prior to flowering you use a typical neem or mixture with peppermint oils or even clove oil added to your regular foliar spraying to protect from molds and bugs.

Flowering & Yield

When grown inside, it has a flowering time of 9 to 10 weeks, but outdoor growers will likely find that early to mid-October is the perfect harvest time.

Enjoying Maui Wowie

Maui Wowie is loved for its pineapple flavor and mellow vibe. It is known to be a powerful relaxant, and leaves most users feeling happy, energized, euphoric, uplifted and relaxed. It has a tropical flavor and tends to have a relatively light high. In fact, many users find that this is just what they need to get motivated to be creative and get active.

Maui Wowie Taste & Smell

This strain of marijuana offers users an aroma known as a “waker-upper.” With just one toke, the aroma is in the air, filling the room with scents of sweet, citrus fruits. And, its aroma lingers around for a very long time. Expect a whiff of sweet earthiness, coupled with tropical awesomeness.

And, the name isn’t lost on this strain’s taste either. True to its aroma, Maui Wowie is a yellow sativa strain that delivers to the tongue a taste of fresh pineapples. What else would you expect from a cannabis strain developed on a tropical island of paradise? With one toke, and you’ll find yourself traveling to the island of Maui, enjoying the lovely, creamy tone throughout your mouth.

Favorite Uses for Maui Wowie

The high associated with this strain of cannabis appreciate usually helps the user to feel reduced stress and worry-free happiness but isn’t so heavy that they don’t want to do anything. There is no sleepy, draggy effect when smoking this strain. In fact, when it comes to getting active, this strain actually encourages it.

Maui Wowie is often recommended by cannabis dispensaries and physicians to help treat many conditions that affect concentration, motivation, and stress levels. Medical uses for this cannabis strain include:

  • Fighting stress levels
  • Fighting depression
  • Easing pain
  • Fighting headaches
  • Battling fatigue
  • Boosting appetite
  • Providing focus
  • Providing motivation
  • Treating conditions like ADD and ADHD

Medical marijuana users who typically struggle with daily high stress, and all the conditions that accompany it, will appreciate the mood-boosting, motivating and energizing effects of Maui Wowie. It is also popular at effectively treating chronic pain without bogging the patient down with a lethargic feeling that is common with other types of Cannabis.

Naturally feminized at the plantation during the plant lifecycle process.

Feminized using our unique 2 stage organic feminizing process that lets you be tomorrow’s strain hunter.

We utilize a 2 step method of feminizing, allowing our customers the joy of feminizing. Our first process is on the farm where plants are feminized prior to harvest to achieve up to 80% feminized ratio. This method of seed production offers organic grown seed batched with plants highly resistant to mold and pests and crop diseases.


10 seeds, 5 seeds