Sprouting seeds with paper towel and water

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Germinating Cannabis Seeds Using paper and water is not too complicated but its aleo easy to kill your seeds.

Germination is a natural process and needs little from us beyond creating the environment for this to take place. The seeds need to be warm, moist and in the shade – away from direct light.

A simple method is to place a couple of layers of moist (not sopping wet) paper towel on a plate, being careful not to let the paper towel lay over the edge of the plate. The pH should be below 6.7pH. And your water should have no chlorine. Place the seeds on top of the moist paper towel and place more layers of moist paper towel on top of the seeds. Cover this with another inverted plate and put somewhere on a seed warming pad. When you lift the plate to check them, let the condensation that has collected on the lid run back onto the paper towel, be sure to check them daily to ensure they are still moist. If the paper dries out the seeds will die. If the pH rises above 7.2 the seeds will begin to cook.

Seeds need a minimum of 80*F and must remain under the maximum 88*F. at warm temperatures the seeds can take from 1 day and up to 23 days to sprout a root stem.

When the shell has cracked or the root tip has just emerged it’s time to plant them in whatever medium you intend to grow them in. Specialty soil mixes are good but you can also make your own. Coco seems to be the best medium for soil mixes.

Plant the seed with the pointy end of the seed down. The root tip will grow down into the medium and push the seedling up through the surface. The seedling will need light and air as soon as it comes through the surface.

The greatest danger at the seedling stage is over watering. The tiny stems cannot handle water around them at all times or they will rot and keel over. Let the surface of the medium dry before watering to avoid this.

Be sure to check your seeds daily, make sure there is enough water – if the seeds dry out during this process they will die.

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